I've changed my mind yet again. I'm insane and I know it.
Instead of the spiderweb block, I thought I'd choose the Stashbuster quilt blocks from
Material Obsession 2. I'm completely in love with this book, possibly even more than the

So pretty! :)
Anyway, here are the instructions to make a block...

I'll send everyone a bunch of scrap strips.

Sew a few strips together and trim so that they're all the same length. I think there's 10 strips there but since the strips all vary in width, I'd say just sew as many as you need together so you can cut four triangles (if you're making one block) or eight (if you're making two blocks).

Using the template I'll give you, cut triangles with the strips going lengthways. Just alternate the direction of the triangles for easy cutting. [I should've trimmed the strips to 5.5" for easier cutting. I only realised this after the fact. Of course.]

Tada! Four triangles.

I'll send these white blocks already pre-cut... four to a block.

Sew the triangles made with the strips to a smaller triangle like so... I'll send the little triangles also pre-cut.

Then sew this to a white pre-cut triangle...

Then sew two sections together...

Then sew them together...

And you'll get a finished block!
The blocks end up being about 10.5" but you don't need to trim them... I'll do that once I get them all back :) Also, please press all the seams open. Makes the centre of the block a little less annoying to deal with.
I'll be sending out the fabric on Monday so if possible, let me know if you want to do one or two blocks. They're a little fiddly so I don't blame you if you don't want to do two. Those I don't hear back from will get enough for two... just return the extra bits if you only end up doing one. Thanks.
So... clear as mud? Feel free to ask me any questions. I'm watching telly while I write this so it may not make sense hehe
-- Audrie