I'm just so excited it's my month!!
I will keep the tealturqgreygreen for another day - after all, it's all cut and ready to sew!!
Thanks to Julie, once again, for this inspiration. There are a lot of different techniques out there - this one is foundation pieced, flip and sew.
Your toolbox - rotary cutter/mat, square ruler, basic grey thread & loaded bobbins, scissors, straight pins, iron
oh, and patience.
In your package - special beyond the reef foundation paper, strips and extra fabric - I hope enough fabric...
I suppose the key to the accurate points is placement of the first grey piece - centered on the foundation paper.
So, step one, center grey on center of paper and secure (I sunk a straight pin in the grey)
Trim your strips to a length that covers the paper, starting a pile of smaller pieces to use on the points.
With scant 1/4" seam, sew first strip to grey, right sides together. That's it, I think, for accuracy. That, and getting that first fabric all nice and centered.
At this point, I am a chain stitchin' kinda girl. It's right sides together, check strip length and trim, sew.
strip, trim, sew...strip, trim, sew.
My favorite part of a project.
the fabric, the machine, the tools
the peaceful rhythm
See, I forgot a step - finger press, or for me, I use a wooden ceramics tool
to flip those strips over and get them nice and flat, ready for the next strip.
Repeat peaceful sewing of strips until paper foundation is covered.
Trim block to paper - I used a large square ruler to be sure things were - ahem - square.
Leaving foundation paper intact, sew two 'half square triangles' together. I used those pins to line up the points - you all have your own technique. And that's why you're making these blocks, not me!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Make one, make two, either way I'm a happy girl.
Siggy block...how about a 4-6" 'Stella's Punch Drunk Love"?
Add fabric? Denyse Schmidt, just a strip or two to personalize it, if you like.
Embellishments, stitching, stuff? No thanks - next time.
If you don't have time for this part, just return unused/unwanted fabric with the block; thanks.
b e y o n d t h e r e e f
Summer International Quilt Festival
July 23-25
Hey, wait a minute...
that's right around the corner!!!