To say that the last few weeks were hectic would be an understatement. I just moved to a new house about a mile up the road from where I was, which makes for many trips back and forth. I am not quite settled yet and most of my studio is still in boxes. Anyone wanna come help me unpack? It could be fun...

So if you haven't already received your supplies for this block, you should expect it today or Monday. Each of you were sent a 15" square of warm and white batting, I have marked a 6.5" chalk square in the "middle" of each of the blocks. Because I love lists so well, I will list the directions...
1. Begin with the little baggie of scraps, this determines if your block has a light center or a dark center. The block shown here has a dark center :)
2. Choose one for the center and work your way out, trimming your center fabrics to just within the chalked square.
3. Please use an off white thread. (If you only have white that's fine too!)
4. Feel free to use your own fabrics too, I would love some more text fabrics :)
5.Don't bother trimming the threads on the back of the block, I can do that later (if I do it at all)

6. Don't think too much, it's supposed to be scrappy and haphazard!
7. Penny has an
awesome tutorial that I suggest you refer to before making this block. make sure you get to part II of the tutorial that explains sewing the block.
8. Just trim the fabric around the edges of the finished block, I am not yet sure if I'll be trimming them further at a later time.
9. Use only RED, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, BROWN, WHITE, BLACK, GREY fabrics if you wish to use your own. (please no candy colors like pink, purple, lime)
10. SIGNATURE: You've all gotten a piece or two of the "lined paper" fabric, I'd love it if you sign or stamp or embroider that fabric and work it into your block. You can see mine above, I've given you extra "lined paper" fabric, so you have a little wiggle room for mess-ups.
11. Have fun and take your sweet time getting them back to me.
12.Do what you want with leftover fabric...keep it or send it back
I can't wait to see your blocks!
Thanks again,